A Schenectady man allegedly caught on camera slashing his neighbor's tires appeared in court this morning, but those who stand with him want the charges dropped, saying officers acted inappropriately.

Supporters from All of Us weren’t chanting or holding signs Tuesday morning. Instead, they met with lawyers and family members, showing support for Yugeshwar Gaindarpersaud.

"We are backing him 100 percent," said All of Us Organizer Kasey Charles.

Gaindarpersaud’s arrest has been seen by many. Schenectady police released body camera footage shortly after Gaindarpersaud was charged with criminal mischief. He pleaded not guilty to those charges on Tuesday.

"We are going to continue to investigate the merits of these charges," said Gaindarpersaud's attorney, Derek Andrews.

Andrews also filed a motion to dismiss, saying the police complaint didn’t have enough information. The judge disagreed.

"We are disappointed in that outcome, but we do have the opportunity to come back stronger with more information," said Andrews.

Much of that will come from discovery.

Andrews and supporters from All of Us say they want to know why the officer chased Gaindarpersaud into his backyard, holding him down with his knee, especially after the neighbor said he didn’t want to press charges.

"We do not feel that was a lawful arrest. They could have rectified the situation a lot easier," said Charles.

"There was a different way to have not only done a more thorough investigation, but instead of chasing someone into the backyard of his own property, simply walked away and said they’d come back at a later time," said Andrews.

Schenectady police are investigating the arrest, and the city has announced new protocol for the department.

Gaindarpersaud will be in court again next month.