Schenectady Police Chief Eric Clifford is urging no more disorder in the city.

This comes after a largely peaceful protest Monday night as activists marched on city hall, occupying the building's entrances.

The city is seeing heightened tensions after a controversial arrest last week where an officer placed his knee on a suspect's neck to restrain him.

Just days after that arrest, the city issued updated police restraint policies prohibiting officers from placing a knee on a subject's neck as a means of control, and requiring patrol supervisors to approve warrantless arrests along with more de-escalation training.

But on Monday, protesters made it clear that the changes they're calling for go beyond that.

"The lowest hanging fruit is to expand the executive order, so that all choke holds, strangle holds, and hogties are banned by the Schenectady Police Department," said protester Jamaica Miles.

Demonstrators have also suggested defunding the police department, and redirecting the resources to the community. 

In a tweet Monday night, Clifford said he has "made efforts to engage conversations, and remained patient" with the protests, but that is coming to an end. 



He said he will not respond directly to the demands until there is a public discussion to determine what the community as a whole wants.