Some New Yorkers argue for a more accessible public transit system
Orange County recently implemented a free bus fare initiative for Middletown and Newburgh residents until December.
Orange County recently implemented a free bus fare initiative for Middletown and Newburgh residents until December.
Overall, New York saw a 9% decrease in congestion from 2019 to 2023, but various factors changed the size of that impact in cities.
The governor’s office said Non-MTA transit authorities are encouraged to apply.
Plans include funding that would increase capacity, reduce delays, improve safety and cut travel times by up to 15 minutes.
The funding is part of the Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program.
Legislative leaders are open to more measures and stricter penalties.
The state funding will help revamp 551 road miles across New York.
Since a judge instituted a ban on construction for the Kensington project, the state is not holding monthly stakeholder meetings.
She also signed a bill to increase penalties for passing a stopped school bus.
The construction duration for each proposal ranges from 5-9 years with a price tag between $2.8 billion and $6 billion.
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