Fall foliage is on the way out, but there is still great color to be seen this weekend in select areas.
It’s been a tremendous fall here in Upstate NY! Not only has our weather been amazing, the foliage has been vibrant. While the season is far from over, fall foliage is fleeting and this will probably be the last foliage blog of the year. Most of the state is now past peak, but there will be some amazing color to see across parts of the state this weekend.
The Capital Region, Catskills & Hudson Valley
While the Capital Region is a bit past peak, there will still be vibrant color in spots. The lower Hudson Valley though will be the place to be this weekend.
Western NY & Central NY
The past week across the western two thirds of the state has been nothing short of breathtaking. While most are past peak, there will be spots that will continue to see peak color this weekend.
NYC & Long Island
While not quite peak, NYC and Long Island are seeing some nice color right now as well!
Our streak of great weekend weather is going to continue for us to wrap up in the month of October. Saturday and Sunday will both feature a good deal of sun and seasonable temperatures.
While this will be the last foliage blog of the year, please continue to share your photos by using the Spectrum News App!
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