NORTH CAROLINA -- We have plenty of very hot temperatures on the way for the first week of July. While we will be well above average most days, we will not likely be breaking very many records. Most record highs are 100 degrees or higher for the first 7 days of July. We will be in the mid and upper 90s this year but with the humidity, it will feel like over 100. That means you can take this heat lightly. It is still dangerous heat and the Fourth of July timing is not good with so many people spending time outdoors.

Remember your hot weather safety tips.

  • Wear light weight and light color clothing.
  • Pace yourself. Slow down.
  • Take frequent breaks in the shade or air conditioning
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Remember, alcohol will dehydrate you.
  • Check in on others that may not be as fortunate.
  • Don’t forget your pets! They need plenty of water and a cool place to go too

Be safe out there everyone. We should start seeing a few more cooling thunderstorms by Independence Day.