NORTH CAROLINA -- DMV headquarters is moving out of the city and bringing nearly 500 employees with it.

  • Right now Rocky Mount is the location of choice.
  • The State Department of Transportation says the main DMV location on New Bern Avenue is getting older and in need of serious upgrades, citing issues from asbestos and fire code violations.
  • A final decision about the lease is expected Tuesday, but the move must be made by next fall.

Right now Rocky Mount is the location of choice.

The State Department of Transportation says the main DMV location on New Bern Avenue is getting older and in need of serious upgrades, citing issues from asbestos and fire code violations.

If the council of state approves the Rocky Mount location, the site would be at the old Hardee's headquarters, which is nearly an hour away.

Officials say customers will still be able to take care of their DMV matters at other locations or online.

A final decision about the lease is expected Tuesday, but the move must be made by next fall.