ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Cleanup continues a week after a massive fire destroyed most of Ovid’s Main Street

Even though the fire is out, the Ovid Fire Department still has a long way to go to get back to normal operations.

Firefighters are coming together to clean up inside the Ovid firehouse, getting its equipment back to normal after the blaze.

“Hoses are dirty from soot," Dave Mollenkopf said. "We’re cleaning the floors [and] cleaning the trucks. It's just getting everything back to service."

Around 3,000 feet of hoses have been thawing since the Main Street fire  — all waiting to be cleaned, dried and put back onto trucks. 

“After they’ve dried completely, we over them with a fine-tooth comb to see if there’s any damage," said Ovid Fire Chief Tim Westlake. "We make sure we can put them back into service."

The Ovid Fire Department is all volunteer-based. Volunteers are working non-stop to get a community on its feet again. 

“Everybody got other jobs, families at home and this is what they’re doing because they care about this community," said Westlake.

It's a community that goes beyond town lines. 

“That’s how we run in the south end. It’s all about mutual aid. When one calls we all come," said Lodi Fire Chief Tucker Snyder. 

“[We are] thankful for all the hands that were here," Cameron Mollenkopf said. "Without them, we would’ve been here for hours."

It's a department moving forward, but not forgetting the support the last week brought them.