Edison Career and Technology High School in Rochester is where students explore career options now. This hands-on learning school was renovated to get classrooms up-to-date to better match kids with careers after high school.

The renovations include new equipment and studio space in Digital Media Arts and Communications (DMAC) and the latest gear and room design for the Automotive Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering and Welding shops.

Shebaka Collier is an interactive media teacher. He is also an Edison Tech alumnus.

"I am very proud that our students are able to facilitate in the new renovated area of DMAC here at Edison Tech. It is new technology, new classrooms, so I am very excited. It's very important that they get skills early before college or before a career so we prepare them for that transition," said Collier.

Daniel Collins is a CTE teacher at Edison Tech. He is a third-generation teacher at Edison.

“Yes, it started with my grandfather teaching here back on Clifford Avenue. My dad was a student here and he became a teacher here. I followed in his footsteps and my cousin is a teacher down the hallway as well. We have three career pathways here at Edison with four classes in each for a total of 12 majors. So the idea in ninth grade is for them to explore all these and make an educated decision which one they want to go into to," said Collins.

Juniors Rehana Ayala-Yamali and Jamie Leibenguth are engineering students at Edison tech.

“I want to pursue a career in engineering. We do a lot of building with our hands and wood. We do a lot of computer things," said Ayala-Yamali.

"When you are younger and picking what you want, you go through a lot of steps to pick one and I picked engineering because I thought I want hands-on, computer work and you actually cut wood and build stuff. You have to use your mind. It is more skilled," Leibenguth said.

The Edison Tech renovation is part of the RCSD Modernization Plan that was created in 2007. The renovation ribbon cutting is being held on Thursday at 3:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to check out the new spaces and meet the teachers.