TAMPA, Fla. — A Hillsborough County woman is going the extra mile to help veterans with something important to them — their hair.
Dr. Lakeesha McLowry has a special motivation for helping veterans.
McLowry is a Certified Clinical Trichologist, Board-Certified Doctor of Naturopathy and Functional Medicine Practitioner. Her practice is called Emerge Trichology & Wellness.
A trichologist is a hair and scalp specialist. On a recent morning, she was seeing United States Navy veteran January Richburg. Richburg had lost her hair due to chemotherapy to treat breast cancer.
Richburg wears a wig because her hair has not fully regrown. But she took her wig off so McLowry could use a special instrument called a trichoscope to take a closeup look at Richburg’s scalp.
“What we are getting ready to do is take a look at her scalp under the microscope,” said McLowry.
The image seen by the trichoscope was projected to a large screen monitor. McLowry said she was happy that Richburg’s hair was growing back after some specialized treatments and holistic approach to good health. “Hair loss is not a disease. It is a symptom,” said McLowry.
Richburg was excited about seeing her hair return. “It gives you a sense of hope. And you are happy,” she said.
McLowry provides free advanced services not covered by the VA to veterans.
“Veterans give so much to our country. They are part of the reason we get to live the way we live. They sacrificed so much,” she said.
McLowry has some tragic motivation for wanting to help veterans. Her fiancé, Sergeant Antwan L. Walker, was killed in the line of duty in Ramadi, Iraq in 2005.
McLowry is also helping retired United States Navy veteran Patricia Gray, who had service-related stress induced hair loss. McLowry used a digital scan of Gray’s scalp to provide her with a custom prosthetic hair piece. It’s much better than a store brought wig.
“When you think about VA, you think about loss of a limb,” said Gray. “Well, she can’t give you a leg or an arm. But what she gave me was dignity. So, she is very important to me.”
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