TAMPA, Fla. — A Hillsborough County high school student saw a need at her school and decided to do something about it.

Junior Sophie Farnan got a huge response from the community for her project called Sophie’s Closet.

What You Need To Know

  • Sophie Farnan opened Sophie's Closet at Sickles High School in Tampa.

  • She has collected hundreds of donated dresses and suits for students with financial issues. 

  • The formal wear is for school events like prom and homecoming. 

  • Students from other high schools have come to Sophie's Closet. 

Farnan saw that many of the students at Sickles High School did have the money to buy formal wear for events like prom and homecoming.

So, she decided to do a student government project to address the issue. She worked with nonprofits including the TayK Foundation and Eco Bothers to set up what she calls Sophie’s Closet at the school.

“I know there is probably a population at Sickles that really does need this. And so, I’m just really grateful to help anybody that I can,” she said.

Farnan got hundreds of donated dresses, suits, shoes and accessories for the closet. In once instance, Jodi Lekanides and Carol Koenig brought in nearly $2,000 of clothes, shoes and bow ties.

The response was so huge the school gave her a special room for the closet. “And it become a lot bigger than I expected and I am really happy how it’s turned out,” she said. “I got my own space in the school, and I got so many more donations that I expected.”

Some of the donated items are brand new and some are gently used. Farnan has opened the closet for a previous event. The clothes are intended for students who may have a financial need but there isn’t a strict protocol for students picking out their items.

“So, when I opened up the closet the first time, it was just like a free for all," she said. "Everyone just came. I wasn’t tracking anything. They can just come through. Look around for their size, what color they want. They can pick something out. Try it on if they want, and just take it.”

Sophie’s closet is open to several other nearby high schools.

Farnan hopes that the student government association at Sickles will keep Sophie’s Closet going after she graduates.