PASCO COUNTY, Fla. — A Pasco County woman is making a lot of school kids happy several times a year. Janet Litzel is making sure they have a treat-filled bag in their Pack-A-Sack backpacks.

What You Need To Know

  • Janet Litzel leads the "Candy Crew" at the Seven Springs Golf and Country Club

  • Crew members donate candy and other treats for 150 Pasco County school children

  • The treats are placed in Pack-A-Sack backpacks

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On a recent morning, Litzel was leading a group of volunteers at the Seven Springs Golf and Country Club that call themselves the Candy Crew. The mostly retirement-age volunteers went from table to table in an assembly line fashion as they put treats in bags.

“It’s very well organized, because we get a lot of different treats. We want it nice and balanced, so all the kids get each item,” said Litzel.

The candy, and other treats, including chips, are donated by Candy Crew members and members of the country club.

The Pack-A-Sack provides meals that are sent home with low-income students, so they have a good food supply on the weekends.

“My friend does Pack-A-Sack,” said Litzel. “And we thought wow what a great idea it would be to add a little treat. It started out as a little Christmas and then it moved to Valentines Day and Halloween and Easter.”

The Candy Crew provides the treat filled bags to about 150 children. Bags are decorated with handmade artwork that makes them feel special. And there was something special in the Valentines Day bags.

“Our candy crew put valentines inside all of them,” said Litzel as she pulled a hand made Valentines Day card out of one of the bags.

The Candy Crew volunteers have also painted murals on local school classroom walls and provided backpacks filled with art supplies for students getting ready for their summer breaks.

“We like to call her the director of everything,” Candy Crew volunteer Trish Miller said about Litzel. “Because she does more than the average girl would do or the average woman.'