UPDATE: A place we've been following for months is now back open after being damaged by last year's hurricanes.

The community even helped My Warriors Place get back on their feet, raising $6,000 to make repairs.

My Warriors Place helps veterans, service members, Gold Star families and first responders.


RUSKIN, Fla. — A Hillsborough County woman has turned a personal tragedy into a place offering peace to veterans, service members, Gold Star families and first responders.

Kelly Kowall’s son Corey was killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan and that motivated her to open My Warrior’s Place in Ruskin.

What You Need To Know

  • Kelly Kowall's son Army Spec. Corey was killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan in 2009

  • Kowall said her son's death had a profound impact on her life

  • Kowall founded My Warrior's Place retreat in Ruskin

  • Would you like to nominate an Everyday Hero? Click here

A centerpiece of My Warrior’s Place is a memorial with flags representing all the branches of the military and law enforcement. To the left of the flags is a special memorial for Amy Specialist Corey Kowall.  

“This memorial is for my son. He was killed in Afghanistan in September of 09’. He was only 20 years old,” said Kowall as she stood near the memorial.

She said the death of her son had a profound impact on her life. Her marriage ended, and she even thought about ending her own life. She has seen the impact on other families, too.

“I’ve known mothers to take their lives. I’ve known fathers that have contemplated or taken their lives,” she revealed.

Kowall said she didn’t feel there were enough resources to help families struggling with loss or veterans struggling with issues related to their time in the military.

My Warrior’s Place is a retreat. It includes well-appointed cottages where people can stay to relax and recharge around people who have faced similar issues.

The retreat is located on the Little Manatee River, and it offers boat rides and fishing. On a recent morning, four veterans went for a relaxing ride on the river. As Kowall looked on as the boat was preparing to depart, she was overjoyed.

“They can let go of their problems, their issues, their struggles,” she said. “They can kind of release them for a little bit.”

Veteran Fiona Garcia and the others on the boat said Kowall’s caring approach to their issues had a major impact on their lives.

“She’s like a mom away from mom,” said Garcia as she wiped away a tear.

Veteran Chris Fugitt comes often to the retreat with his service dog. He also appreciates Kowall’s loving attention.

“Well, she’s my adopted mother. Kelly means the world to me. I love her to death,” he said.

Kowall said being a part of My Warrior’s Place brings her a great sense of purpose.

“To be able to come here and do something positive, to make a positive difference in somebody’s life, is huge. It, it feeds your soul. It makes you feel so good,” Kowall said.