Since January 1, the hottest temperature we've had all year in Raleigh is 96 degrees, which we reached July 30.

What You Need To Know

  • July is typically the hottest month of the year and has hosted the hottest day of the year 55% of the time over the last 134 years in Raleigh

  • The average from the most recent 30 years of data have our hottest day of the year on July 24

  • June typically hosts the hottest day of the year more often than August

So far this year, no one has broken the 100-degree mark yet, but it's not uncommon for us to do that somewhere in the state during any given summer!

Through July, the hottest temperature across major North Carolina cities was in Wilmington at 98 degrees.

Would you expect July to be warmer than August, or perhaps for August to be warmer than June? In all of North Carolina, July is the hottest month of the year based on the last thirty years of climate data.

However, in Raleigh, July has only hosted the hottest temperature of the year 55.2% of the time in the last 134 years of weather data, and August doesn't come in second place! June holds the annual maximum temperature 35.8% of the time and August 23.1% of the time.

If you look at the last three decades, the hottest temperature of the year was about 100 degrees, on average, in Raleigh. If you thought this summer was feeling "mild," you would be right, as very few cities have had an afternoon that has brought us to or above the average annual maximum temperature.

For central North Carolina, the hottest day of the year falls, on average, around July 24. However, the trend has been for that date to occur later in the summer.

At this point in the season, the latest forecast for August temperatures in North Carolina is slightly more likely to be above average. Time will tell whether we see 100 on the thermometer before fall arrives, but those in Raleigh may remember reaching 100 degrees in October for the first time in 2019!

Stay with Spectrum News 1 for the latest Weather On The 1s forecast to see when hot weather may be heading our way!