RALEIGH, N.C. — There’s no question the business of alcohol production and sales has grown immensely in recent years in North Carolina. Over time, the strict rules and policies governing production and sales have slowly changed. The Distillers Association of North Carolina is one of the driving forces behind that change, helping support those making the product.

This weekend, the organization is holding an event to say thanks to the public, offering a taste of dozens of different North Carolina liquors. Two of the state’s most well-known producers, Gaurav Patel of Social House Vodka and Scott Mailtland of Top of the Hill Brewery and Distillery sat down with Spectrum News anchor Caroline Blair for a preview of the The Spirits of NC Festival.

The Spirits of NC Festival

WHEN: Saturday June 13,, 2019 

12 p.m. - 4 p.m.


WHERE: Raleigh Beer Garden

614 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh


WHAT: Food and Drink Festival

Featuring 40+ distillers from North Carolina

Tastings, cocktails, food, raffles & live music



Includes early admission at 12 p.m., 1 raffle ticket, specialty sampling cup, VIP Buffet


Admission at 1 p.m., sampling cup, light buffet


To purchase TICKETS and attend you must be 21 years old.