A suspect died and a sheriff’s deputy was taken to the hospital after a fight during a traffic stop, according to the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office. Two other deputies had minor injuries from the struggle.

Early Friday morning, Stuart Chad Mast refused to stop for deputies during a traffic stop, according to the sheriff’s office. This stop happened in a rural area in northwestern North Carolina.

When Mast finally stopped, he would not get off his motorcycle and lie on the ground as directed by deputies, the sheriff’s office said. Mast fought with the deputies, according to a news release from Ashe County.

Once the deputies were able to get Mast to the ground and put handcuffs on him, they realized he was unconscious, according to the sheriff’s office. The deputies then administered two doses of Narcan, gave CPR and used an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) to try to revive Mast, the sheriff’s office said.

Ashe County deputies continued to give CPR to Mast until paramedics arrived, according to the sheriff’s office. Ashe Medics transported Mast to Ashe Memorial Hospital where he was declared dead at 1:05 a.m., according to the news release.

The sheriff’s office said it requested an investigation from the State Bureau of Investigation.