HICKORY, N.C. — Stacie Harrison loves to run. Every morning, before the sun is up, she puts her daughter in the stroller, and they hit the trails along with several other women who have formed the group Hickory Sole Sisters.
"I was like, 'hey, does anybody want to run with me?'" Harrison said.
They used to run on the streets, which had sidewalks that were too small for the stroller, but now they run on the trails, particularly the Aviation Walk in Hickory.
"We love the sidewalks and any of them will tell you, we love how wide it is. We're like we can be next to each other. We can be talking and running at the same time," Harrison said.
She says the Aviation Walk, which opened July 30, is a fun place that they feel safe. Hickory Mayor Hank Guess said he is happy they feel safe.
“Our police department, with the addition of the trails, has also included new personnel and some people to watch, particularly at our parks and trails, and that’s part of the added safety component,” Guess said.
A N.C. Department of Transportation grant accounted for $17 million of the $21 million for the project, which connects the new aviation museum to the airport, the Appalachian State Hickory campus and other areas of Hickory.
"Everywhere we have done this you have seen a tremendous increase in economic development," Guess said.
The extensions to the trail are popular for runners like Harrison.
"We run them all over the places, and we find all the murals along the way with all the lights going behind us. It's fun," Harrison said.