CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A debate about protective vests for patrol officers in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department has heated up after a photo from the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

What You Need To Know

  • A debate over outer carrier vests has again flared after a photo of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police officers at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee

  • The Fraternal Order of Police on social media criticized CMPD Chief Johnny Jennings’ opposition to use of these vests by patrol officers

  • Jennings has questioned whether outer carrier vests are an improvement

The photo shows CMPD officers providing security at the event this week wearing outer carrier vests.

At issue is whether the vests are better than the ones most officers currently wear. Chief Johnny Jennings has expressed disapproval of carrier vests, which he has said offer no additional safety and give officers a “military-style appearance.” Others, including the Fraternal Order of Police and Charlotte City Council member Tariq Bokhari, have supported their wider use, saying they can reduce job-related injuries.

After a photo taken at the convention surfaced Monday, the order criticized Jennings in a post on social media for his opposition to providing the vests for rank-and-file officers.

“We are perplexed at CMPD Chief Jennings’ unstable position on load-bearing vests,” the order stated. “Chief Jennings has relentlessly spoken about how unsafe and unprofessional they are.”

“Despite him deeming these vests unsafe, what are the nearly one hundred CMPD officers in Milwaukee wearing right now? You guessed it, load-bearing vests,” the order stated. “Every city leader needs to ask him, 'Chief Jennings, why are you risking the lives of your officers?'"

Jennings has questioned whether outer carrier vests were an improvement.

“There is misinformation circulating regarding outer carrier vests. These vests offer no ballistic protection and raise officer safety concerns,” he said in a June statement.

The order argues that the vests provide relief from consistent back pain and allow for more space when wearing belts that require guns, pepper spray, handcuffs and other items.

But Jennings has said that the appearance of the outer vests make officers less approachable, and in a recent statement said: "With 32 years of law enforcement experience at this agency, I am undoubtedly qualified to make decisions that I feel are in the best interest of our officers. Decisions impacting officer safety require expertise in law enforcement and are based on a comprehensive analysis of department needs, command staff input and industry best practices.”

But the police order criticizes Jennings for what the organization sees as inconsistency.

"Just last Friday Chief Jennings emailed CMPD saying he knows that officers will represent themselves in Milwaukee with the utmost professionalism,” the organization states. “How can they do that while wearing a 'military-style' uniform he champions against?”

This isn't the first time this issue has been raised in social media.

It's gone back and forth for months, drawing concerns from local leaders such as Bokhari, who started an online petition to get funding for these vests.

Like the order, he has said the vests will offer more protection for officers making dangerous calls.

Jennings could not immediately be reached to comment on the photo.