A new survey finds the most important issue for Gen Z voters isn’t the economy, immigration or reproductive rights, but affordable housing.

In a new survey from Redfin, 91% of people 18 to 27, the Gen Z generation, said housing affordability is the most important issue for them this election, followed by the economy and education. Housing affordability ranked as the third biggest issue for millennials, fourth for Gen Xers and sixth for Baby Boomers.

What You Need To Know

  • Housing affordability is the top issue for Gen Z this election, according to a new survey
  • Economy and education are ranked next for Gen Z in the survey
  • Over the past year, the Biden administration announced steps to increase the housing supply and lower costs

“This is a topic that we’re not going to necessarily going to solve overnight ... I don’t know the presidential election is going to solve this problem,” North Carolina real estate agent Maya Galletta said.

Fast climbing home prices were also a problem when Donald Trump was president. According to Freddie Mac, a housing shortage was also an issue.

Trump’s campaign tells Spectrum News his affordable housing strategy includes cutting taxes for families, freeing up appropriate federal land for housing and stopping illegal immigration. 

Over the past year, the Biden administration announced steps to increase the housing supply and lower costs, including grant money for lower cost manufactured housing and efforts to address zoning barriers that limit housing.

But the actions alone won’t necessarily bring down all housing costs. Private companies, state and local governments have a role, and today’s high interest rates are also key.

“[The] housing market is very, very complicated. There are a lot of factors. There is no one solution,” Urban Institute Principal Research Associate Jung Choi said. “We have a lack of new construction and also have a lack of home sales among the existing homeowners.”

Choi said it’s very difficult for younger people, especially those with less personal or family wealth, to enter the home buyer market.