WEST JEFFERSON, N.C. — Jan Gambill has been crocheting for many years. She always crocheted with yarn until a year ago when she saw someone making a bag for their bathing suit with plarn or plastic bag yarn.
"You kind of have to get the rhythm with your hands," Gambill said
When she heard nonprofit Musicians Mission of Mercy was looking for someone to make mats for homeless out of plarn, she and others from First Baptist Church in Ashe County jumped on the idea.
"If they have a tent they can put them under their sleeping bag or if they don't have a sleeping bag they can put this on the ground and use whatever bedding they have," Gambill said.
She said all of the mats she has made have been used.
"I couldn't keep up with the demand," Gambill said.
She makes them the size of an extra-long single bed.
Connie Hardison said they have around 12 women working on them now.
"We think it takes about 700 bags to make one of the mats," Hardison said.
They don't plan to stop anytime soon, because the mats are also being given to the Hospitality House in Boone and to anyone who needs them.
They are looking for people to help make the mats. If you would like to help you can reach out to First Baptist Church.