WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — During the start of winter every year, some in North Carolina remember those who have died while homeless.

What You Need To Know

  • Samaritan Ministries hosted the Homeless Persons Memorial in Winston-Salem to remember those who died while homeless
  • Bekkah Moss performed at the memorial and volunteers with Samaritan Ministries 
  • She says that people are in need year-round

“I don't know if you saw me, but I played at the Festival for the Homeless earlier this year, at which point I was homeless. I'm grateful that I have been rehoused now,” Bekkah Moss, a Winston-Salem singer, said.

She and her bandmates performed Thursday for the Samaritan Ministries Homeless Persons Memorial in Winston-Salem.

“Twenty people a day in the United States — homeless people — die ... And that's a lot of people," Moss said. "They were reading those names, and I know one of the gentlemen who passed away."

They were remembering those who died while homeless. 

“Homelessness and food insecurity, like all those things, are issues that everyone thinks about this time of year, but they are going on all year long,” she said.

It’s something Moss experienced earlier this year, after going through difficult times.

“It's been a weird year. I lost my dad beginning of the year, too. It's been a lot of loss but a lot of growth," she said. "I know it's weird, but people are like, 'My God, I'm so sorry, everything you've been through.' And I'm like, 'No, I'm so grateful for that.'” 

After the memorial service, Moss isn’t done giving. She and her mom donated winter coats and blankets to Samaritan Ministries.

“Samaritan Ministries is awesome. It's like, I always feel at home,” Moss said.

Samaritan Ministries is a place she gives back to by volunteering in the soup kitchen and delivering food, but it’s also a place where she was able to find a safe space.

“I've also come and eaten here. I’ve been on all sides of everything and it’s been really cool,” Moss said.

And now, she is able to share her gifts and give back while rebuilding her life.

“Being able to take my gifts and use it, not just to help people who've helped me, but to help the community and help in some way," she said. 

And she hopes people take away that even though it’s a season of giving, people are in need year-round.

“It’s something that people struggle with all the time, and I think the world needs to, at least Winston-Salem, we need to remember that, yes, it's Christmas and it's a time for giving, but every day can be Christmas,” she said.