ASHE COUNTY, N.C. — Amber Scott has been working on Christmas trees since 2008. 

What You Need To Know

  • The White House Christmas tree was chosen in Ashe County

  • The tree was chosen from Cline Church Nursery

  • This is the 15th time the tree was chosen in North Carolina

"My brother and I were born into the industry. Our parents start in the late '70s," Scott said.

They started with a few acres and some row crops. The Cline Church Nursery not only sells retail, but its biggest endeavor is wholesale.

"Today we farm about 700 acres, and it's a legacy and an industry that we are both proud to be able to continue," Scott said.

On Monday, those fields changed from just a place they work every day to a memory. Alex Church says he marked these rows of trees when he was in high school

"I would have never thought," Church said.

He would have never thought that decades later they would be back in this spot with White House staff.

"It's a big honor. We were totally shocked to know we placed, but when we were named as grand champion this year our jaws dropped. We really didn't expect it. The competition was incredible. It was quite an honor," Scott said.

They won grand champion at a competition in Minnesota. They were voted by industry peers.

"It's really a joy looking out in our fields and knowing that that tree will one day serve a purpose in someone's home. They will use it as a centerpiece for a celebration. For a celebration of our savior, and I don't know there's just something really incredible about that," Scott said.

The tree they picked Monday will be heading to the White House. The 19-feet-tall tree meets all the needs.

"It's beautiful. Decorated, it's going to be awesome. I can't wait to see it in the Blue Room" Scott said.

The tree will be cut down on November 15.