CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Arin Wucherer was born with microcephaly, which means small brain. Her mom, Talia Wucherer, says she has an intellectual disability and speech delay.

What You Need To Know

  • 19% of individuals with a disability were employed in the U.S. in 2021, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

  • The latest data from the BLS shows nearly 50% of people with disabilities 16 or older reported at least one barrier to employment

  • In 1945 Congress declared the first week of October as National Disability Employment Awareness Week, pushing for companies to hire individuals with physical disabilities

  • Congress expanded recognition to people with all kinds of disabilities in 1962

“Her receptive language is excellent,” she said. “She understands everything that you tell her, but her output doesn’t always work the way she wants it.”

Her mom says Arin Wucherer's disability doesn’t stop her from expressing herself, or even working. Arin Wucherer and her mother started their own business together, Arin’s Good Girl Dog Treats, in 2020, inspired by the healthy treats she’d bake for her late service dog Posie, who died in August. Talia Wucherer has hired people like her daughter who also have disabilities.

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. She says employers should take time this month to consider how they can help people with disabilities.

“This gives them purpose. It gives them an opportunity to become more independent,” Wucherer said. “Have something that they enjoy.”

Wucherer says for now, creating her own lane in the work world is Arin Wucherer’s best shot at employment. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 19% of people with a disability were employed in the U.S. in 2021. It's another reason she started the business. 

“I am a special educator, and I was working at a special education school, and working with community partners, and just realized the gap in our community of employment opportunities,” Talia Wucherer said.

According to the BLS, transportation is one of the top five barriers to getting hired. Others are lack of education or training and accommodations.

Wucherer has accommodations for her workers, including pictures for nonreaders to hand out the right treat.

“That way our individual knows what flavor is in which bin,” she said.

It makes Arin Wucherer independent and grateful for her mom.