Last week, Duke Energy's Katherine Neebe was our guest, and she outlined the company's sustainability goals and the future of energy.
Related: A powerful transition: The future of Duke Energy
As you might imagine, not everyone agrees with Duke Energy's plan for the future. So, this week we have a couple industry experts from the renewable energy sector to give their viewpoints and talk much more specifically about a debate with a deadline that's under intense scrutiny right now. It will impact your bills, how we produce energy, and the future of energy.
Joining us, Luis Martinez from Natural Resources Defense Council and John Burns from the Carolinas Clean Energy Business Association.
About the Podcast
With the speed of the local news cycle, it's easy to forget that the politicians who represent us and the influencers in our communities are more than just a soundbite. North Carolina’s veteran reporter and anchor, Tim Boyum, loosens his signature bow tie to give listeners a glimpse behind the curtain, showing us who these power players really are and why they do what they do. Through Tim’s candid conversations on “Tying It Together,” his guests reveal their most fascinating life stories, passions, and help all of us get a better grasp on the issues affecting our communities.
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