BOONE, N.C. — Seventeen years ago, Teddy Watson walked in the door to the Hunger and Health Coalition after being severely hurt in a motorcycle accident and almost losing his leg.

He came in for a sandwich and left with a new outlook on life.


What You Need To Know

Teddy Watson is an everyday hero

Watson volunteers five days a week

He spends his days going to pick up food and keeping shelves stocked at the Hunger and Health Coalition


"Had a bad motorcycle wreck and a few heart attacks, and I wound up volunteering here for my health," Watson said.

He does anything but sit still.

"I asked him did he need any help. He says, 'Can you make boxes?' I said, 'No but I can learn real quick,'" Watson recalled.

Watson spends five days a week at the Hunger and Health Coalition in Boone. The Hunger and Health Coalition is a nonprofit that does everything from supplying food and prescriptions to those who need it, to the backpack program.

Watson makes sure shelves are stocked, unpacks trucks that come in and goes out to pick up the food as well.

"It gets me out of the house. Gives me a reason to get up in the morning," Watson said.