BOONE, N.C. — Jeff Simpson always packs a bag before he goes hiking — he knows how important it is to be prepared.

"I have got some neighbors that like to do day hikes and stuff, so we do that," Simpson said.

What You Need To Know

  • Jeff Simpson is hiking the Mountains-to-Sea Trail for his daughter

  • His daughter died of cancer when she was 17

  • You can donate to help him raise money for other children through the Make-A-Wish Foundation

He didn't always hike. It's a love that grew on him over the last decade.

"I started out hiking to raise money. I had no idea it would be the emotional and spiritual journey it has become for me," Simpson said.

Hiking has taken on new meaning because of his daughter, Rebecca. When she was 13, Simpson noticed she became tired after playing basketball.

They went to the doctor a few days later, and Simpson said they found out she had acute myeloid leukemia, or AML.

He says during that difficult time, the Make-A-Wish Foundation gave his family hope. It's hope they found on a trip to New York City for Christmas. It was his daughter's wish.

"It's a daily thing — every day the doctors walking in saying this and that. It's a very scary thing for parents," Simpson said. 

Rebecca died when she was 17.

He is now going to hike the Mountains-to-Sea Trail to raise money for other children's wishes. Simpson says this is a way to keep his daughter close to him and help as many people as he can.

"Hundreds of them (are) waiting to have wishes granted and those don't happen without people donating," he said.

If you would like to donate to help Simpson, go here