ELIZABETH CITY, N.C. — It’s been more than two weeks since Andrew Brown Jr. was killed by sheriff deputies in Elizabeth City. Since then, the nation has known Elizabeth City for its protests. However, the people who live here say that’s not the real Elizabeth City.

Bishop Ernest Sutton grew up in this small town of southern comfort, like many others who live here.

“While every community has challenges, Elizabeth City is a place that any family would love to raise their children. I felt that way 30-plus years ago, and I still feel that way today. It's a great place to be,” Sutton said about his city.

Sutton acknowledges that you can’t always control what happens in a city, but he said they’re choosing to control how these events are dealt with, and he wants to start with a focus on jobs.

“We will never, I believe, have enough businesses, and start creating entrepreneurial opportunities for our community, because I believe economics drives what happens in communities to a large part. We have to raise the bar on ourselves, our whole community, in helping to develop businesses," Sutton said. 

Darius Turner is a part-time owner of Downtown DTG. He opened up shop about five years ago. He said as far as being a business owner in a city, Elizabeth City is one of the best places to start.

While protests have been passing near his shop, he said they've barely impacted his business. In fact, he said many businesses support city residents peacefully protesting.

“For a small city like us, there hasn’t been a lot of rioting or destruction. It’s all been peaceful. The people who live here realize it's our town. People that aren’t from here can go home. People that live here aren’t gonna tear up our stuff,” Turner said.

The nation has seen racial divide in the city, but Turner said that’s not always the case.

“Most businesses on this street and neighboring street, we work together. Support each other,” Turner said.

Casey Heard, the owner of The SweetEasy, agrees with Turner. She’s been a business owner downtown for almost a year, and recently she’s seen the community come together.

“We all recognize that more people and foot traffic and business is better for all us to grow. There’s a passion for our little city and how far we can take it,” Heard said.

She said her customers have been supporting the entire cause and giving whatever they can to whoever needs it.

“I’ve seen customers come in and want to give support, give gift cards for law enforcement involved in the situation right now. I've seen so many businesses handing out water or food packages or care packages to the people who are  protesting for what’s upsetting them in our community. I think people here just want to help,” Heard said.

While racial differences in Elizabeth City have been placed under a microscope the last few weeks, the people who live here will tell you they have more in common than anything else. It’s the desire to continue to make Elizabeth City the Harbor of Hospitality.