WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. – There are new developments in an effort to restore a historic African American cemetery in Winston-Salem.

What You Need To Know

  • Volunteers add "Beloved" slabs to St. Philips Moravian Second Graveyard

  • The cemetery dates back to 1859, right before the Civil War

  • Over 300 unmarked graves were discovered in 2018

Volunteers are making new additions to St. Philips Moravian Second Graveyard, home of over 300 unmarked graves. In 2018, the graves were discovered using ground penetrating radar. The cemetery dates back to 1859, right before the Civil War.


RELATED: How Many People Are Buried at St. Philips Moravian Graveyard?

Saturday, volunteers added slabs to each marking with the word "Beloved" on them.

“Everyone likes their loved ones to be remembered and there was unintentional neglect of this graveyard for many years," says Peggy Crouse, chairman of Salem Congregation Graveyard Committee. "Since it’s a part of Salem Congregation, we're trying to bring it back up to what it should be.”

Members of Salem Congregation also plan to build an archway at the entrance of the graveyard and parking.

If you're interested in contributing to the project, click here.