CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The new Lynx Silver Line Light Rail project is now entering the pre-project development phase.
This means the project team is currently making refinements to the proposed light rail alignment. Once they have a more complete cost estimate, they will start to identify funding sources.
Jenna Nichols is the deputy project manager and says this is a big project and it will take some time to complete.
“This project is very large and very complicated. There are a lot of decisions that need to be made between now and that point. Those decisions will dictate the actual timing of the delivery of the project. So, we are shooting for 2030, but again the decisions between now and that point will dictate when we actually open for operations,” she said.
There are three more meetings scheduled for this month, each focusing on a separate part of the project. More information on the meetings can be found on the City of Charlotte’s website.