CHAPEL HILL, N.C. -- A golden retriever in Chapel Hill has become an internet sensation after being filmed picking up his owner’s Chick-fil-A order and walking it all the way back home.
Staff at Carraway Village Chick-fil-A posted the video to their Facebook page, where it has now been viewed nearly 3 million times.
“It’s fun because this has been a pretty terrible few months for a lot of Americans, so bringing a few smiles to some faces is just great. It’s her favorite thing in the world to retrieve things, golden retrievers just love having a job, so giving her that ability to come out and have some human interaction during this weird pandemic time is just invaluable I think for her, the employees, and everyone in the parking lot to stop and take photos. It’s just a positive experience all around,” Ellie's owner, Nick, says.
Ellie’s visits to Chick-fil-A are a highlight for its employees, and Sammy Culberson, the owner of the Carraway Village location, says he’s glad his restaurant played a small role in making people all around the world smile.
“We hope it just brings joy, brings laughter -you know in a world that's kind of down in a sense with news, it's great to hear some good news and we hope it just shows that Chick-fil-A is here to serve everybody, not just the human species, but the canine species too," Culberson says.
Nick, the dog's owner, and Ellie will continue their outings to Chick-fil-A, so if you’re in the Chapel Hill area, be sure to be on the lookout!