CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — The North Carolina Air National Guard will conduct flyover salutes to foodbank workers, medical staffs and other frontline workers in the fight against COVID-19.
The flyover Thursday will be performed by a C-17 plane, according to a release by the Guard. The planned route will start over Asheville in the western part of the state before heading to Wilmington and circling back to Charlotte.
Along the way, the route will include medical facilities in Morganton, Winston-Salem, Chapel Hill and Greenville. It will fly over food banks in Asheville, Raleigh and Charlotte, among other cities and facilities.
The North Carolina flyover is part of a project called Operation: American Resolve, and the Guard says it will cost no additional taxpayer money.
“The flyover is to demonstrate the Department of the Air Force’s continued readiness during the national COVID-19 response, while saluting the American heroes at the forefront in our fight against COVID-19,” the news release said.