The University of Maine Cooperative Extension has announced its annual beekeeping workshops to take place in Cumberland County starting on Jan. 4, 2024. 

There are two courses, one for beginners with no or less than one year of experience, and an advanced course for keepers with at least three years’ experience and five to eight hives. There is also a two-session intermediate course. 

The beginner's course will cover the basics of beekeeping and bee biology. It is designed for people who are new to beekeeping or have very little experience. EAS certified master beekeepers Jacky Hildreth and Peter Richardson and master beekeeper in training Lindy Allen will teach the classes. 

The advanced course will cover hive management in the winter, how to manage or prevent disease and pests, and queen rearing. EAS certified master beekeeper Erin Evans will teach the classes. 

The course will take place via five Zoom sessions, held on Wednesdays from 7-8:30 p.m. from Jan. 10 though Feb. 7. The course costs $75, which does not include the recommended textbook. 

The extension is also offering an intermediate-level course, covering swarm behavior and how to manage swarming in colonies. Evans will also teach this course, taking place in person at the learning center from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Fev. 14 and Feb. 21. The course costs $35. 

Visit the program’s website to learn more or to register.