The Hawaii Department of Transportation announced plans to install three raised pedestrian crossings along Farrington Highway in Maili.
The three crosswalks are at the highway’s intersections with Alapaki and Manununu streets, and near Maipalaoa Road.
According to a news release, the raised crossings are part of the state’s efforts to improve safety on Hawaii’s roadways. HDOT said the raised crossing will improve the visibility of pedestrians and provide drivers with a physical reminder to reduce their speed. The speed limit on this part of Farrington Highway is 35 mph.
HDOT plans to install one raised crossing per day from Wednesday to Friday, weather permitting. While crews install the raised crossings, lanes will be closed in each direction on Farrington Highway between Alapaki Street and Maipalaoa Road each day from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. One lane in each direction will remain open.
The state agency previously installed raised crossings on Farrington Highway in the Waianae area at Ala Hema Street, Ala Walua Street, the Waianae High School exit, Alawa Place and Maiuu Road, as well as in Nanakuli at Laumania and Pohakunui avenues. In partnership with the City and County of Honolulu, DOT also installed four raised pedestrian crossings on Pensacola Street last month.
Since 2019, HDOT installed 178 raised crossings and speed tables statewide. Currently, HDOT is installing 29 more raised crossings.