SAN ANTONIO — Is your ex bugging you this Valentine’s Day? Well, you’re in luck because the “Cry Me a Cockroach Fundraiser” is back at the San Antonio Zoo.

What You Need To Know

  • The event allows people to name a veggie, cockroach or rodent after their ex, which is then fed to an animal

  • The donation levels start at $5 for naming a veggie, $10 for a cockroach and top out at $25 for a rodent

  • For those ages 21 and up, the zoo is hosting a “Meet Your Next Ex” event on Feb. 8 from 7 to 10 p.m.

  • The zoo is also selling a candle that smells like hippo poop for $15.99

The event went viral online last year, and it's back again this year to allow people to donate money and name a cockroach, rodent or veggie after their ex, which is then fed to one of the animals. 

“It’s the ultimate way to ex-terminate your past and help fund important wildlife conservation efforts here at the zoo,” the San Antonio Zoo says on its website

The donation levels start at $5 for naming a veggie, $10 for a cockroach and top out at $25 for a rodent. You have to be at least 18 years old to donate. 

The San Antonio Zoo has proclaimed itself the “Valentine’s Day Capital of the World” with events for all kinds of lovers (and haters) this year. 

The zoo says it has something for everyone this year regardless of relationship status.

For those ages 21 and up, the zoo is hosting a “Meet Your Next Ex” event on Feb. 8 from 7 to 10 p.m. 

Attendees will be given glow sticks that will signify the person’s relationship status–red meaning not interested, blue meaning looking for men, green meaning looking for any person and yellow meaning looking for women. 

The event will also feature specialty drinks, a DJ, comedy performances and a burlesque show to close out the night. Tickets cost $30 per person. 

Need a gift for your significant other? The zoo is selling Hippo Love Candles that are “guaranteed to make your Valentine’s Day unforgettable.” 

The candle’s scent: hippo poop. That’s because, for hippos, poop is used to woo potential mates. The candles are $15.99. 

A new thing the zoo is offering this year is Animal Kiss-o-Grams. For $10, you can receive a video of an animal of your choice “booping” the camera with a kiss. 

The San Antonio Zoo will also be hosting adults-only VIP tours a few nights next week, which cost $79 per person. People can sign up for these “Naughty by Nature” tours on the zoo’s website.

For information on all the zoo’s offerings this Valentine’s Day, head to its website.