SAN ANTONIO - If something is happening at the Menchaca Early Childhood Center, it usually has a positive reason behind it.

The Sweetheart Dance - while fun, silly, and full of jumping and screaming - actually fits that description, too.

"This is one of the biggest events that we have here at this school, and it's about bringing everybody together as a family, a community, and just having fun," said Principal Rebecca Herrera.

The event is one of the biggest that the school hosts and it allows the kids and their parents to not only get dressed up, but also gets the entire family unit inside the school.

"The purpose was to bring everybody, but for the kids to have a moment with their parents, their grandparents, and enjoy those family moments that are making memories," said Herrera. "We want these kids to know the value of what it is to have family in their life, and for the support, because they're in for a long journey in their education, and it's going to take a village to raise them."