SAN ANTONIO -- Lanterns were placed within the gathering place to help show the people on San Antonio's west side that change is coming to not only the plaza, but also the Avenida Guadalupe neighborhood.

  • Building Blocks designed by Overland Partners architects
  • Chain link fence kept people out
  • Lanterns bring community together

The Building Blocks at Plaza Guadalupe were designed by architects from Overland Partners.

“People have been really disappointed to kind of see it fall into disrepair over time," said architect Allison Peitz, referring to the decades-old plaza.  "Which is why everyone is investing a lot of effort to kind of bring it back to what it was and make it a usable space.”

A chain link fence has been wrapped around the plaza to keep people out, but that caused the people of the neighborhood to feel disconnected from the venue and its history.

Those security concerns have been addressed with new improvements and fencing on the sides of the plaza, which have made people feel more at ease visiting, using, and just enjoying the space. That's where the lanterns come in.

“When we’re thinking about revitalization, you can’t revitalize without first knowing the story of the people that you’re serving. I think we know them well now and we hope this serves them well," said lead architect Ben Rosas.

“It makes a simple statement, just saying, ‘hey, we’re listening, and we want to hear what you have to say. We want to know who you are, and what you need in the community,' said architect Brody Cornwell.  "We can’t begin to solve all those issues right now, but we can just make a gesture that shows that we care.”

That gesture is just a small piece in the overall plans for Plaza Guadalupe, and the architects at Overland Partners hope it spearheads a movement across San Antonio.

“My dream for this installation is that it’s a catalyst for change in our city, and we really celebrate stories and culture, and of the unique qualities that makes this city what it is,” Cornwell said.