AUSTIN, Texas — Austin often leads the county in “best of” lists, but this is one distinction Austinites might want to forget about. The Texas capital might just be the most absentminded city in the country.

In Uber’s sixth annual Lost & Found Index, Austin tops the list for the second year in a row for most forgetful city in the nation. This means riders in the Capital City have left behind the most items in their car rides. Houston came in third and Dallas landed at No. 5.

The most commonly left behind items include phones, wallet and keys, followed by purses, headphones and glasses.

St. Patrick’s Day and July 4 are the two most popular days to leave behind things in the Uber ride, according to Uber.

It’s not just the essentials that people are forgetting. Some of the most unique items left behind in the last year include grandma’s teeth, caviar, a Bernie Sanders fanny pack and a metal leg.

The Lost & Found Index also discovered that riders are most forgetful on Saturdays and Sundays, and usually in the early evening, around 4-6 p.m.

If you happen to be one of these forgetful people and need to retrieves something from an Uber, you can watch this video for instructions. Uber says the best way to get your items back is by calling the driver, but if you left your phone in the vehicle, you can log in to your Uber account on the computer to contact the driver about your lost item.​ Keep in mind, to get an item back you’re going to have to pay for it. A driver will need to return those items to you.

Here are more of the unusual items located in Ubers:

  • Tater tots
  • Fingernail
  • “It’s Boba Time” apron
  • Foldable unicorn kid chair
  • Cat litter and a reptile heating bulb
  • “Life is tough but so are you” blanket
  • A grass cutter and tree trimmer
  • Pizza costume
  • Unicorn band aid box
  • Pie
  • Billie Eilish ukulele
  • Six pool drains
  • Employee of the Month plaque
  • Breathalyzer
  • Forty chicken nuggets