AUSTIN, Texas -- As the heat rises, volunteers at Meals on Wheels and More are checking in on their clients to make sure they stay cool. 

  • Volunteers check-in on clients during hot months
  • Bring box fans to help them stay cool
  • Also provide air conditioning window units

Volunteers are tasked with delivering food to elderly clients confined to their homes. Dave Saxon said some of their low-income clients live in conditions that could lead to high temperatures inside the home. 

"As clients get older, the summer months are harder to tolerate, obviously. A lot of the houses don't have the air conditioning or they don't have the money that would allow them to use the air conditioning they have," said Saxon.

The nonprofit has programs meant to counter this problem. Volunteers are sent with box fans for any clients in need. Meals on Wheels also partnered with the St. David Foundation and Austin Police to provide clients air conditioning window units.

Partnerships with other local nonprofits and organizations to pay high utility bills for clients that need to use their air conditioning throughout the day. 

For more information, visit the Meals on Wheels Facebook page.