AUSTIN, Texas – The Austin Youth Orchestra used one of their biggest concerts of the year to pay tribute to their fallen peer, Draylen Mason.

  • Draylen Mason honored by Austin Youth Orchestra
  • Killed in the Austin bombings last year
  • Performed piece to remember Mason

Mason was killed last year during the Austin bombing attacks that shook the city. March 3 was declared Draylen Mason Day by the City of Austin to honor the young life lost. 

Orchestra Founder William Dick said it was tragic to see the talented musician go so soon.

"There are certain people that just kind of have the spirit," Dick said. "Draylen was that kind of a kid."

The orchestra performed their rendition of Lincoln Portrait, a piece written by composer Aaron Copland. Dick said the piece is the perfect way to remember Mason's uplifting spirit.

"What would be a way to try to turn that tragedy into something that is more indicative and reflective of the kind of person Draylen was," Dick said.

Dick enlisted the help of Michael Morgan of the Oakland East Bay Symphony to help teach the children the piece.