AUSTIN, TX -- The Austin City Council will receive a certificate of approval of its Austin Age-Friendly Action Plan on Thursday, May 10.

The certificate marks the official start to the plan’s implementation.

The plan is designed to make Austin a livable community for people of all ages. It was developed by several agencies and nonprofits working in coordination with the Austin City Council. Austin has the fastest growing pre-senior population in the United States and soon will be home to more older adults than children.

Austin is officially a member of the AARP Network of Age-friendly Communities. The program currently involves more than 287 cities, including New York,  Boston, Portland, London, and Melbourne.

The capital city is also the first city in Texas to have its action plan approved.

At the start of Thursday’s Austin City Council meeting, community leaders will be on hand to recognize the achievement and present the city council with a certificate from AARP and the World Health Organization.