The American Red Cross celebrated the reopening of Clara Barton Chapter 1 in Dansville on Saturday.

The site on Elizabeth Street is the first Red Cross chapter established about 143 years ago and has undergone a major project to restore the building.

"Clara had made previous visits to Dansville in 1866 for lectures before visiting once again in 1875 to stay at the Jackson Sanitorium in Dansville to recover from her experiences of the Franco-Prussian War," the Red Cross said in a statement. "She stayed for several years and built a network of friends and supporters in the region as she continued to work on her vision for an American chapter of the International Red Cross. This came to fruition in 1881, with the establishment of the Clara Barton Chapter Number 1 in Dansville."

Some of the work done included full window restoration, electric and security upgrades and the installation of a UV film to protect the interior.

Historical artifacts are also on display from the Civil War, Clara Barton and famous visitors from over the years.