ROCHESTER, N.Y. —  While many people spend Easter celebrating with friends and family, making memories and enjoying good food together, there’s a growing number of men, women and children who are left to celebrate alone.

“This is a critical time for the House of Mercy,” executive director Dr. Tammy Butler said. “Oftentimes we go through our daily lives missing those very small things that are most important to those who we kind of overlook from day to day food, shelter, clothing. And today was a day to just stop."

House of Mercy is a homeless shelter serving what they say is the poorest of the poor and the most vulnerable among us, offering not only a home, but a helping hand during the holidays. 

“I love cooking,” kitchen assistant Shaneika Reeves said. "I love feeding people. I love interacting with our guests when they come up to the window. I always have a little joke for them, whether I'm passing the plate and I'm saying Merry Christmas knowing that it’s Easter or just asking them how their day is going and just putting a smile on their face.”

They are serving over 100 meals to guests.

“We had made fried fish, barbecue chicken, butter biscuits, baked, homemade baked macaroni and cheese, and baked beans,” Reeves said. “And my awesome coworker came in at seven this morning. I bought me and my daughters in so they can help me and my coworkers pass out the meals and enjoy Easter Sunday together since we are a family.”

Staff and volunteers share that they have sacrificed their own time spent with families, to a community that needs their company the most.

“One of our guests said today, he's thankful for living and for breathing,” Butler said. “And so that really struck a chord and just allowed them to just give reverence to what they're thankful for.”

It is turning one’s holiday from heartache to hope. 

“It really focuses on our tenants of what House of Mercy was founded on; love, compassion and service to the community,”  Butler said. “And again, making sure that we can serve those who are most in need.”