The Monroe County Sheriff's Office is celebrating its bicentennial.
Officials marked the anniversary Monday, two centuries since March 8, 1821, when Brockport merchant James Seymour became the first sheriff.
Back then, deputies rode on horseback.
Today, they use remote aerial drones in their work.

The undersheriff talked about how while technology changes, the office's dedication to county residents remains the same.
"We started off by saying two centuries that we've been guarding the people of Monroe County, providing safety to those in Monroe County. Just what's happened in the last 200 years and how much society has changed and the people that have changed. We looked at a slide show and saw the first sheriff, it's just incredible the work that’s been done by the deputies of Monroe County for 200 years," Undersheriff Korey Brown said.
Right now, the office employs about 1,200 people across several bureaus ranging from patrol to jail and court duty.