Another parish in the Diocese of Rochester could be consolidating in the coming months. 

This comes after Henrietta’s Good Shepherd Church in another parish shut down this past October.

After a number of financial meetings, The Parish of the Holy Family is recommending that two churches close down.

The parish is looking to close and sell the Saint Helen and Holy Ghost locations in Gates.

“I think it's sad that we had to consolidate, but I do understand why, In order to try to save the churches, we have to, but I think it's sad how we’ve lost the schools and everything,” said Mary McMurray of Gates.

The parish has a large amount of under-used space for rent, but the parish has since lost tenants whose leases ended last summer.

The church cites reduced attendance and a decline in collection donations which led to consolidation.

“As far as the church is consolidating, they have to because there’s no way, like I said, that it can survive, a parish can survive when it only has a third of its original parishioners,” said Pat Marcello, who once lived in the area, but is visiting from out of town.

Parishioners told Spectrum News the parish has undergone consolidation, but the closing of the two locations were first made known to parishioners at masses this weekend.

The parish pastor says the closing will make his parish stronger and healthier for the future.

Mary McMurray added “I don’t know if it will make it better, but it will save what we can.”

If the recommendation by the parish is approved by the Catholic Diocese of Rochester, the goal is to have it finalized by June 30th, 2020.

If approved, all worship services would take place at the Saint Jude location.