Q: In New York state, is it legal to turn "right on red" on a solid right red arrow? I have been taught that it is not OK to turn, but many drivers blow horns for the car ahead to go "right on red". I have asked police and cannot get a definitive answer on this. Thank you, Tom.

A: Tom, Thanks for your question. Let them honk away while you patiently wait for the red arrow to turn green! It is not legal to turn right on a red arrow. But, in cities where the population is smaller than 1 million you can turn right on red if there is no signage prohibiting it.

Title VII of the V&T law is entitled "Rules of the Road", and it goes into more detail. For a right turn on a solid red light it says: at many intersections in New York State, governed by traffic lights, you may make a right turn when the light is red. You must come to a complete stop, check the intersection for vehicles and pedestrians, and proceed to make a right turn when it is safe to do so.

The law goes on to confirm that turning right on red is prohibited in cities with a population of more than 1 million unless a sign permits it. It also says that turning right on red is prohibited if a sign at the intersection prohibits it.

Pack your patience and stay safe Tom!

Spectrum News's Real-Time Traffic Expert, Lacey Leonardi, helps you get around accidents and congestion in Central New York. Every week, Lacey answers a viewer question on Spectrum News's Traffic InboxHave a question about traffic or the rules of the road? Ask Lacey!