The morning remains quiet with clouds locked in place ahead of a low pressure system making its way into the region. Many of us are waking up to temperatures in the single digits and teens that will rise into the 20s this afternoon. 

After the noon hour snow will begin to fill in and become area wide by late afternoon. Snow rates are expected to reach up to an inch per hour at times with concern for blowing snow as winds pick up making for slick travel and reduced visibility. Snow will continue through Saturday evening with lingering flurries on Sunday. Although most will see snow, as temperatures rise into the 30s near 40 into Sunday some snow may transition to some sleet and cold rain showers before becoming lingering snow flurries once again. Wind chills are also a concern with temperatures feeling like the teens Saturday afternoon and evening. Temperatures are expected to drop below average to start off the week. 

With these conditions in mind there are Winter Weather Advisories issued for the Greater Capital Region and surrounding areas. There are also Winter Storm Warnings for areas north of the thruway and Adirondack region. Click HERE for a more detailed list of current advisories and warnings regarding this snow system moving through your area this afternoon.

Total snow accumulations by Sunday morning are expected around 3-6 inches for most with higher totals near 6-12 inches for portions of the Adirondacks and areas of higher elevation. Additional light accumulations are possible late in the day Sunday with any lingering flurries.

Monday will be spent mostly dry and sunny but cold with temperatures in the 20s and overnight lows in the single digits and negatives for some. The start of the work week remains dry. Temperatures rise closer to average by mid-week with quiet conditions continuing until the weekend.