Saratoga County has closed on a purchase of property for a permanent Code Blue shelter.

Board of Supervisors Chairman Phil Barrett announced Thursday that the parcel of land on Ballston Avenue in Saratoga was bought for about $3 million. The county and Shelters of Saratoga, which will build and operate the new shelter, will start a site plan process.

"With the real estate purchase complete, we can now begin the second phase of this project to provide those in need with a permanent location to seek shelter during harsh winter weather and to provide our residents with a more transparent budgeting process for the costs of running the State mandated Code Blue program," Barrett said in a statement.

Shelters of Saratoga currently provides Code Blue services in colder months, as well as a year-round emergency shelter on Walworth Street. The new permanent location, a 1.4-acre parcel of land, is close to the county mental health facility and on a bus line.