The city of Albany's first school zone speed cameras are being installed in an effort to help enforce the city's 20 mph school zone speed limit.

Mayor Kathy Sheehan was joined by local school, safety and elected officials at Albany High School on Friday as the first school zone speed cameras were activated on Washington Avenue near the Albany High School and on Western Avenue near both All Saints Academy and Eagle Point Elementary School. 

Additional school zone speed cameras are being placed on Delaware Avenue near the Thomas O’Brien Academy of Technology and Science and on Whitehall Road near the Albany School of Humanities in the coming days. 

Once fully operational, officials say the city’s speed cameras will be present across 20 school zones.

“Installing School Zone Speed Cameras is yet another way we are further enhancing public safety," Sheehan said in a statement. "This change, coupled with the Albany Police Department patrol division, red light cameras, speed humps, traffic calming infrastructure, and our forthcoming 25 MPH citywide speed limit are a powerful combination of tools designed to slow down traffic and make it safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other drivers who utilize our streets. I want to thank Governor Hochul, Senator Breslin, Assemblymember Fahy, and Assemblymember McDonald for giving the City of Albany the local authority to implement this change, and our local partners including the Albany Common Council and the Albany City School District for helping make this important initiative possible.”

The city of Albany says drivers captured speeding through school zones over the next 30 days will be sent a reminder of the speed limit, but they will not receive a violation or fine. Once the initial 30-day warning period is over, those who exceed the posted school zone speed limit will be issued a $50 fine per offense via mail.

In addition to the city's 20 mph school zone speed limit, the city-wide speed limit will be reduced from 30 to 25 mph beginning Jan. 1.

Officials say the continued presence of Albany Police Department patrol divisions, red light cameras, speed humps and traffic calming infrastructure will combine with the school zone speed cameras to ensure safe travels for drivers, students, pedestrians and bicyclists.

“Adding these cameras to the school zones will significantly decrease the likelihood of accidents, as well as urge drivers to slow down during peak hours to ensure our school children enter and exit school safely," Albany Police Chief Eric Hawkins said in a statement. 


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