Even though it’s horse racing season in Saratoga, there’s a place where everything slows down and thoroughbreds can help retired veterans pace themselves.

Cody Nelson, a retired Marine, has been paired with a horse named Frankie through an equine therapeutic program for veterans at Nipper Knolls Equine Center in Granville.

“I figured I’d come out and try to learn some stuff so I don’t look silly in front of my kids at horse shows,” said Nelson.

While he started the program to learn more about horse care, each brush, pat and trot are guiding Nelson down a path to serenity.

“It’s really cool that you come out here and Frankie just calms you down and mellows you out a little bit,” Nelson added.

The program relies on donations and volunteers like Dan Stoy and Ashley Clothier, who are also veterans.

“Going through the program and understanding why people want to learn horsemanship and having another veteran go through that and being able to help them is a good feeling to me,” Stoy said, “because I know somewhat of what they have gone through being in the military in general.”

“After the eight weeks is over, it’s not goodbye; you can help with brushing and barn chores. I always need a helping hand,” said Clothier.