The woman accused of causing the death of her nearly 11-month-old baby has been formally indicted by a Schenectady grand jury.

Persia Nelson, 24, appeared in city court briefly where Spectrum News 1 learned the case will be moved from city to county court.

The contents of the indictment have not been made public, and Nelson has not yet been arraigned. 

She was first charged earlier this week with manslaughter and depraved-indifference murder in connection with the death of her daughter Halo Branton. 

Family and supporters of Halo were seen in court wearing shirts with her face on them.

"She's, you know, the state of a mom who just lost her child, it doesn't tell us what it is she's been indicted on, I won't know what she's been indicted on until we get up to county court," Stephen Signore, Schenectady County public defender, said after the indictment. "I could speculate, it's probably going to be close to if not mirror the charges that she had here earlier and what she's been charged with."

No date has been set for the arraignment.