The Wasaren League has decided to postpone all fall sports to the second time slot during the year with higher risk sports like football and volleyball.

That is set to be between winter and spring sports, beginning in early March.

In a statement, the league said superintendents agreed schools must focus on reopening safely through September and October.

Coaches still hope they can get back in the game soon.

"Obviously athletics is a big part of us, is a big part of our community, but if the state thought it wasn't safe to do, then obviously we respect their decision. So we hope kids get back in the classroom, get their studies in order, that's number one. So hopefully if they do what they can and if everybody else does what they can, then hopefully we'll be back on the field," said Mechanicville Boys Soccer Coach Mike Ciulla. 

The Western Athletic Conference has also announced they will push soccer to that later season spot as well. 

Those schools plan to continue with low risk sports including cross country, tennis and golf.

In a statement, the conference said schools had to take into consideration a number of logistical issues, like transportation and disinfection protocols, and want the bulk of resources to go toward a healthy start to the school year.